Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Time marches on . .

and isn't making the day to day any easier! So much has happened since January. We found out that baby Doucet #3 will be making a grand enterance in late September! A and J are thrilled! They keep talking to my belly and asking when the baby will come out.

February was pretty uneventful except for the exhaustion I had from this pregnancy, I remeber being tired with the girls but nothing like this!

We went house hunting in early March. I was away from the girls for 10 days!!! it seemed like and eternity, I dont know how K manages it for weeks at a time! We found a house that will be perfect for our expanding family, now to find financing for it or get the house in Enid sold quick!
We had a garage sale the weekend before the movers came, and it went pretty well! We didnt run an ad in the newspaper but still had pretty steady traffic. ZGot rid of a bunch of stuff that we didn't want to deal with!
Movers came and were too fast for their own good! They were only here for 2 days but we ere still trying to sort as they packed. They probably could have taken quite a bit more but I just didnt have the time or energy to figure out what went and what stayed.
K left for AL at the begining of April and mom and Uncle Brad trekked down to Enid and helped me do some major work on the house. I really wish we would have dons a few of these things 3 years ago . . . oh well, we will do it to the next house! I learned a ton from Uncle Brad, from things in the past to the proper way to paint a rooam and lay tile! I am pretty proud of my newfound handy-mom skills! The girls love having Brad here and I think he enjoyed playing with them too!

We finally saw the pediatric urologist on April 15. J has VUR (vesicoureteral reflux) which is a pretty common issue. It is graded from 1-5 with 5 being the most severe. The problem occurs when she gets bladder infections. With the VUR, there is a reflux of urine from the bladder to the kidney, which isnt a problem if there is no infection present. When there is an infection, the infected urine is heading back up to the kidney and can cause kidney infections and lead to kidney damage. J is currently at a stage 3 bordering on 4. The Dr. gave us 3 options,
1) antibiotics for a year followed by a VCUG to see if the condition has changed, if there is no change, she would have to be on antibiotics for another year followed by another VCUG (this is the bad option)
2) deflux/sting procedure. It is done in the office laporoscopicaly, a bluking gel would be inplanted under the valve that isnt working that would help the valve close properly. This one is done in about 20 minutes and J would be sedated. This has a 80% success rate. (worse option)
3) full blown surgery to reimplant the ureters into the bladder. It would involve a hospital stay of several days and a recovery time of a few weeks but has a 98% success rate. (worst option)

We are currently trying to decide what the best route will be but it is so hard! I dont want my 3 year old to have to go through any of this. I want to move the clock back 6 months to before we knew there was a problem. As of right now J has been on antibiotics for almost 3 months and it is a daily fight to get her to take them. Not sure we can handle another 9 months! Please keep us in your prayers, I am not sure how much more I can take~


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