Monday, January 31, 2011

Of course it can't be simple!!

Anyone who knows my family knows that we do it the hard way. Things that happen to us are strange/unexplainable and sometime just pain weird. The health issues J has had are no exception.
Starting around this time last year, J started running a really high temp, by high I am talking 104-ish, that would stick around for about 5 days and then it was gone. No other symptoms and A never came down with it. So she continues on with the fevers about 1 time every 6-8 weeks. I finally stopped even bothering with the Dr's because a mom can only hear "If there are no other symptoms, it must be a virus and needs to run its course" before she wants to kick a Dr in the teeth.
We finally got a diagnosis for PFAPA which stands for Periodic Fever Adenitis Pharyngitis Aphthous Ulcer Syndrome. If you would like to know more about this crazy thing, go here
We were given a list of blood work that needed to be done the next time here fever spiked. Of course she hasn't had a fever in 3 months now. Yay but I want to know if this is going to be a problem!

So now onto the current issue that is plaguing our family. A and J have both been having recurring bladder infections. Since June each of them has had 4. If you have never had a bladder infection or a UTI, consider yourself very lucky! They are extremely miserable and much worse for little girls. Back in Sept A was scheduled for a VCUG. We got to the hospital ready to go and found out that the test couldn't be done since she had an infection at the time. Fast forward to last Thursday, J goes in for hers and we find out the she does indeed have a reflux issue, out of the 5 levels of severity, J is at a level 4. At level 5, she would have to have surgery to correct the problem. She now has to be on antibiotics indefinitely.
We got through the procedure ( I felt like the worst mother in the world making her go through the VCUG - it is not a pleasant procedure and she cried for about 20 min straight) and Saturday she spiked a fever of 102 that would go away a little with medicine but not completely.
So off to the ER we went. She had to have blood work run and IV fluids because she was dehydrated. They let us go home with a new antibiotic prescription and said to follow up with the base paediatrician. She woke up this morning with yet another fever! Off to the base clinic we went to have another round of blood work and another UA done. My poor little girl has been through the ringer in the last week!
Basically we are waiting to see if the UA grows the bacteria that causes a bladder infection. Any prayers for J would be greatly appreciated!


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