Friday, June 10, 2011

I love my 3 year old, I love my 3 year old, I love my 3 year old . . ..

now if I can keep chanting that all day, it might sink in, right?? Don't get me wrong, I really do love J but this morning less than 10 minutes after she woke up she was already in more trouble than she has been in ALL week!!
The girls were watching Super Why and I was in the bedroom trying some stretches to help my back. For some reason it is easier to get up from being on a bed than the floor when you are 24 weeks pregnant!
A comes into the bedroom carrying a very small pair of scissors. 'Mom, J just cut one of the cords to the TV with these!' REALLY!!! And I know you are wondering what she cut, well, lets just say that we wont be using the WII any time soon. She cut the cord that leads from the console to the sensor bar. Pretty much makes the system completely useless!
I sent her to ther room and got the whole story from A. It turns out that A was the one who got the scissors out in the first place and left them where J could find them. AAAUUUGGGGHHHH Children!!!!
I am pretty impressed that I didn't even raise my voice at either of them during the whole exchange. Right after A told me what happened, I sent J to her room, walked in the living room, turned off the TV, and thought for a minute. I then went to the girls room and explained that there would be no more TV today and they would be doing chores to cover the cost of replacing the sensor bar (found for only $7.50 plus shipping and tax) but $14 to a 5 year old and 3 year old is a lot of money and I have a feeling that they will be doing a LOT of chores! Maybe we will get the whole house cleaned up!


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